Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Obeying the Little Things

Leviticus 16:34   

And just as the Lord had commanded Moses, so he did.

Our Father is the great God Almighty, whose power is so immense that He actually made this whole universe, and His fingers guide the planets in their orbits. Yet His power is also so fine-tuned that He also guides every tiny detail of our lives, because the little things build into the big things, which become the great things. So He gave Moses very detailed plans and instructions, and Moses obeyed every detail of His plans. 

O my Father, teach me to obey every detail of Your plans for me. Whether I see how it all fits together does not matter, just teach my ears to hear Your instructions so that I will obey every detail, not leaving out any little thing. Give me Your eyes so I can see, and understand Your ways; give me Your strength to overcome all the impediments I throw into the path, and the wisdom and compassion to serve others in the ways they need--to serve You by serving others. That all the glory would be Yours.