
Saturday, May 18, 2019

What Kind Of Wisdom?

James 3: 17

But the wisdom from above is first pure,
then peaceable,
full of mercy
and good fruits,
without hypocrisy. 

Pure is without alloy, unmixed, having no faults.

Peaceable is peace-making, calm, tranquil, not quarrelsome.

Gentle is soothing, mild, calming.

Reasonable is according to reason, rational, just. 

Full of mercy is willingness to forgive, spare, relent. 

Good fruits are the manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). 

Unwavering means firm, unshakable, no doubt, no second-guessing. 

Without hypocrisy means no pretending, no feigning to appear as what one is not. 

Worldly wisdom is none of these, but is rife with selfish ambition and self-promotion. 

O my Father, please teach me to learn godly wisdom, to spurn drawing attention to myself; but let my words and life lift the Name of my sweet, dear Lord. 

Let all my works and efforts show others who You are, Father, and what Your Son has accomplished for their benefit and well-being. Let Your wisdom from above fill their thoughts and conversations replacing the deceptive wisdom of this World.

Draw them to Yourself, Father; let my reach extend to those who are seeking You, that Your words would enter their minds and hearts to rescue them from the addictions and bad habits and poor choices that have enslaved them. 

Send workers into Your mission fields, Father; even snatching them from the fire. Fill Your house and let every seat around Your great banquet table be occupied, with no gaps or vacancies. 

And every eye will see, every knee will bend, and every tongue will confess in every language Your great kindness and mercy and wisdom and grace, and bring You all the credit and honor and majesty that belongs to only You.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!