
Friday, April 27, 2018

Hostility And Getting Together

Genesis 25: 9

Then his (Abraham's) sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him...

Abraham was 175 years old when he died, and his first two sons came together to bury him. Abraham had many other sons after these two, but none of them came to the funeral.

I find it interesting that Ishmael (at 89 years old) would come to be with Isaac (who was 75) to bury their father. 

Ishmael doesn't get along with anyone. He was "a wild donkey of a man, his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers" (Genesis 16:12). 

But he still came to be with his brother Isaac for the funeral. He probably did it to honor his father, Abraham, but they still didn't dwell together or get along.

A year ago I wrote in my journal that if Isaac and Ishmael can get together, this gives me hope for a reconciliation between by two daughters. If even Isaac and Ishmael can get together, surely my girls will be able to, also; but I hope it's not for my funeral!

During the year since I wrote that, my girls have been able to get together for their children's Birthday parties (sometimes), but they don't get along yet. They both still have a lot of work to do on their own attitudes toward each other. I just want to stay out of their way while this difficult but important work can be done.

Ishmael's 12 sons, the 12 Tribes of Ishmael, also, "lived in hostility toward all their brothers" (25:18). 

They are called "Arabs" today, and they are still Ishmael's sons, still under the same "curse," of not getting along. 

There are individual Arab people who God is calling into relationship with Himself, just as He is calling individuals from every Nation, every part of the World, every language, every tribe and family; as He said He would do. These are our brothers and sisters, and they are among their own people who are still hostile toward Christians and Habiru (Hebrews, Jews), who the Koran calls, "people of the Book," the Bible. And they are under intense persecution, as they witness the Truth to their people. 

O my Father, I pray for these Middle Eastern Christians, who are under intense pressure. I pray that You would let them feel Your close Presence with them, to strengthen them and protect their lives to continue to proclaim Your Good News, and grant them good success in their ministries to further Your Kingdom. Provide for their families, and prosper them greatly spiritually. 

And I also pray for my daughters. Thank you for the progress they have made in this past year, and I pray that You would continue to clear away the many obstacles in the way of their relationship as sisters. And I pray that you draw them both close to Yourself as you work in their hearts. 

Help me, Father, to be an encourager to all my children and grandchildren, and to look over their many faults to see their positive traits. Show me how to help them meet their needs, and heal my family from the generational trait of "cutting off" one another in anger and hurt. Let that end here, please. 

Father, continue to build Your church, the Bride of Christ, in our families, in our towns and cities, in our Nations, in this great World we have built on Your beautiful Earth. Be with all of Your children, Father, to strengthen us and give us boldness in proclaiming and promoting Your Good News and Your Kingdom, until every creature has heard Your Truth that Jesus is Savior and Lord, until every one that You have chosen has come to You, and all the rest who have rejected Your gifts have made an informed decision.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!