Romans 3: 23-26
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
The word "sin" is an archery term that refers to "missing the bull's eye." We have all fallen short of the Perfection that is God's standard.
being justified
Being declared just, not made just in our human lives.
as a gift
We can't earn it, we can only accept it as a free gift we don't deserve.
by His grace
Grace is God giving us the good we don't deserve, whereas mercy is God not giving us the punishment we do deserve.
through the redemption
To redeem a coupon is to trade it for the benefit it represents. Our redemption is the trading in of our mortal physical body for the eternal spiritual body like Jesus' Resurrection body. It includes all the benefits of Eternal Life.
which is in Christ Jesus,
Only God, Himself, in shedding His own (God's own) Blood on the altar of the Cross could not just cover, but actually wash away all the stain of our sinfulness, thereby fitting us to live with Him in His Heaven.
whom God displayed publicly
God the Father determined that God the Son would be sacrificed publicly for everybody to witness, in full view of the general populace.
as a propitiation
A big word that means, "that which gains or regains the favor or goodwill of," or "an atoning sacrifice" (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). What makes up for wrongdoing. Jesus suffered the whole punishment for our sins, as our substitute in death.
in His blood
His blood is the very blood of God, Himself, with endless value; more than enough worth to pay for all sin and sins everywhere. But not everyone is willing to admit that they deserve death.
through faith.
Our faith is believing what God says in His Word about ourselves, Who Jesus is, what He has done, and that God loves us that much to go through all of this just for me, for each one of us. God saves us one by one.
This was to demonstrate His righteousness,
This was to show everybody how good God is, how right and perfect He is.
because in the forbearance of God
Because God is so patient with us.
He passed over the sins previously committed;
All the animal sacrifices could never take away any sins, but only cover the sins of those individual people who let the animal die in their place on the altar.
for the demonstration, I say, of His righteousness at the present time,
To show all of us today how righteous God is.
that He might be just
God's justice was satisfied by Jesus' suffering.
and the justifier
And the one who declares that justice has been done.
of the one
Each individual person must come to God through Jesus. The only "group" He died for is all of the whole Universe, including this Earth, the World System on it, and every person who ever lived, to purchase us all as His possession. Now, as our Owner, He also is the rightful judge of us all.
who has faith in Jesus.
Each one of us who puts our faith in the Sacrifice Jesus made as our substitute in death, will have His blood wash away our sins, and our sinfulness, saving us from the power of sin over us now (salvation), and will deliver us from the very presence of sin or any wrong-doing forever in Heaven (redemption).
Thank You, Father, for keeping Your promise to Eve, and all the other promises You have made, in sending Your own Son, Christ Jesus, to be our Savior and our Redeemer. Thank You Jesus, for being willing and going through all the deprivation of Heavens glory when You became Man, and even suffering the execution death we all deserve, so that we could be cleansed and made fit for Heaven with You. And thank You, Spirit, for being the Deposit and the Seal to guarantee that nothing will ever separate us from God again, forever.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus.