
Monday, August 20, 2018

Who Inherits The Kingdom Of Heaven?

I Corinthians 15: 50

Now I say this, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God; nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. 

Paul follows this statement with revealing a mystery that was not known until now: that the Church will be "raptured" and we will all receive our Resurrection bodies, those "spiritual bodies" that will envelope our "natural bodies," and be able to live with God where He is. 

I wondered who would enter Jesus' 1000-year reign to repopulate the Earth, and be gathered at the end of that 1000 years to surround the Holy City (Revelation 20:7-9). They will need to have "natural" bodies, but in the Resurrection we will be like the Angels, not marrying or having children (Luke 20:35-36). 

I was fine without knowing, since I know that God knows what He's doing. 

Since then, I've been continuing to study, muse, and connect more dots in God's Plan of the Ages. 

So I think that all over the World, those people who have not received the "Mark of 666" to worship the statue and have escaped the extreme persecution, along with the Hebrew people who have survived, will all see the Return of Christ Jesus, and beholding Him will realize that He really is Messiah and King (Revelation 1:7; Romans 11:26), and enter His millennial Reign in their natural bodies. 

Then by the end of that 1000 years, the whole Earth will be repopulated, under the rule of King Jesus the whole time: our Golden Age. Since those who have been born during that time will have never known any other government; when Satan is released, he will be able to deceive them into believing that King Jesus is too stern, too rigid, too whatever, and gather them in rebellion. 

That's when the Earth will explode, the Universe will implode, and God will re-make the whole Universe with a New Heaven and New Earth (II Peter 3:10-11; Revelation 20:11, 21:1). That will be the Kingdom of Heaven. King Jesus' rule has begun in our hearts, will continue in His World-wide reign, and last forever on the New Earth.

O my Father, You are Great; You are Good; You are Love, and in Your loving wisdom You have planned out everything You will do. And You have graciously given us the whole Story of Man in Your written Word, from before the beginning to after the end. 

Your power over all Creation is absolute. The "free will" that You have granted every person is limited to being able to only choose what will further Your Plan. 

If someone refuses to do something pivotal in Your Plan, You will have someone else do it, and the first person will lose out on the blessing (Esther 4:14). 

Please, Father, strengthen me to do whatever it is You would have me do to further Your Plan and promote Your Kingdom. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!