
Thursday, August 24, 2017


Psalm 117

Praise the Lord, all you Nations. Extol Him, all you peoples of the Earth. For He loves us with unfailing love; the Lord's faithfulness endures forever.
Praise the Lord!

O my Father, I eagerly wait and anticipate the Day that every Nation, every tribe, every family will recognize Your greatness and goodness and kindness to all through every age of existence of all that You have created. 

All will know how patient is Your longsuffering in your dealings with Mankind, not wanting any to perish, as we deserve, but extending Your great mercies upon all who will receive them, and graciously drawing them into Your own Family.

I long for that Day when all will be revealed, when every created being will see and understand who You are, and how You have gently and justly worked with all of us, in allowing all that has and is and will come into our lives, to experience Your strong deliverance. And how You have given every person time and opportunity to turn from their own ways of rebellion and isolation to Your waiting arms of compassion.

And all those who have refused Your kindnesses to them will suffer the consequences of their own choices, and acknowledge Your justice in Your judgments. 

And all Creation, all the Universe, all the spirit beings, all the human persons You have made, along with all the stars and planets, all the galaxies and the aether around them filling the void that would otherwise ensue, will sing Your praises with tones and rhythms that started at the time of Your creation of this World. 

And every sentient being will recognize Your greatness and Your wisdom and Your knowledge and Your faithfulness to have fully completed every detail of every part of Your great Plan of the Ages that You determined before any of it was made.

You alone deserve all the credit, all the honor, all the glory, and praise and thanks and admiration for succeeding and finishing and accomplishing everything! 

Hallelu-Yah! All praise to Yahweh!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!