
Thursday, July 9, 2020

Understand The Word Accurately

II Timothy 2: 14-19

Paul has just quoted what may have been an early Christian hymn that poetically stated Biblical truth. 

(14) Remind them of these things, 

Keep these lyrics, this hymn, on your mind, and before the people. 

and solemnly charge them in the presence of God 

This looks very serious, like an oath. 

not to wrangle about words, which is useless and leads to the ruin of the hearers. 

Not to take words out of context, not to argue if a word means this or that without considering the passage it is in. If a certain word can be understood in more than one way, then it's useless to argue about it, just take the tone of the whole passage for the meaning. 

(15) Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth. 

Here's a verse that is much loved and often memorized. 

We all need to be diligent and carefully aware of how we approach God's word. God wants us to be honest and open to receive what He is actually telling us (exegesis, drawing out what is there), not looking for what we want to hear (eisegesis, putting in what we want to be there). 

What God wants to teach us is not always pleasant to our sensibilities, and His standards are never what we would call "politically correct" in our society. Man's standards rarely have ever come even near to the high level of purity and wholesomeness of God's. 

We must take care to handle God's word accurately, so that we understand what God is telling us. To do otherwise is shameful. 

(16) But avoid worldly and empty chatter, for it will lead to further ungodliness, 

Arguing about words is more than a waste of time and energy, it leads to further ungodliness

(17) and their talk will spread like gangrene. 

This is so dangerous to their faith that Paul says it's like a medical term, gangraina, a sore that eats into the flesh, like gangrene or cancer. 

Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus,

Then he names two of the teachers there in Ephesus who are spreading this spiritual disease. 

(18) men who have gone astray from the truth saying the resurrection has already taken place, and they upset the faith of some. 

He even puts his finger on a misinterpretation that they are promoting, that the Day of the Lord has already come; and they have deluded some with this heresy. 

(19) Nevertheless, the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal, "The Lord knows those who are His," and, "Everyone who names the Name of the Lord is to abstain from wickedness." 

Nevertheless, no matter what people may say or teach, or how widespread the idea reaches, even though all men have believed a lie, God remains true (Romans 3: 4). 

God always knows who are His, and are true to His teachings and ways. And those who are His will know His truth that sets them free from the pull of wickedness, so they will stay away from all that does not conform to reality. 

O my Father, please help us to face Your Word honestly and openly, even when You are telling us where we have been wrong! We react negatively to the messenger who tells us we're wrong, because we want to think we're too smart to fall for deception. 

That's where Eve was deceived, and our enemy has never changed his tactics. The Devil still convinces so many gullible people that they are intelligent and know what's what, and in their pride they cannot hear anything else. 

But, Father, Your word is still true and accurate, and is the reality we need to be aware of. Teach us Your Truth, Father, to have our eyes open to see Your reality around us, and not be seduced into any side-road that would take us off Your path. 

O Father, You have given us everything we need to know, for living today in this world around us, and for preparing for the glory You have for us in the next state we will be in. Help us to connect all the dots, to see the connections between all the stories and all the rules and all the prophesies; to better understand Your Big Picture, and be able to supply whatever pieces that we still find missing in the puzzle. 

My Father, when we can see what You are doing, it builds our trust in You, to persevere when we don't see what You're doing. We know that You know what You're doing, and You don't have to tell us everything. 

Father, send out all of Your children to teach the world how much You love us all, and to let them know that You have already planned out everything that looks so confusing to us. Father, while we're in the midst of the maelstrom swirling around us, may Your peace be upon us to show the world Your power and authority. 

And may every living person hear and understand enough to be able to turn to You, Father God, to Your outstretched hands, to give them Your gracious and generous gift of rescue and salvation and redemption. 

And let no one have any excuse for rejecting Your kind offer. 

And every eye shall see, every knee will bow, every tongue will confess that Jesus is our Christ, the Lord God Almighty, sovereign King over all Creation; to the everlasting glory of Almighty God the Father, for ever and ever. Amen. 

Even so, come swiftly, Lord Jesus!