The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.
Jesus put it out very clearly, that whatever we put into our hearts--our beliefs, our thinking processes, our attitudes--that's what will overflow out our mouths.
When we determine to look for the good, the positive, the honorable and praiseworthy in other people, that's what we will find. And we will be filling our hearts with all these good things.
But if we allow ourselves to notice and pick up on all the things we disagree on, or disapprove of, or consider wrong; then we will be filling our hearts with all these negative things, that Jesus called evil, and our words and lives will go accordingly.
So if we want to live our lives in happiness and joy and well-being, we would do well to heed what has been called God's Thought List.
Philippians 4:8 says: Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of a good report, if there is any virtue, and if there is anything that deserves praise, think on these things.These are all very positive things to look for, notice, and pay attention to.
Norman Vincent Peale wrote a book on the values of thinking positively, and even people who don't acknowledge God will "ask the Universe" for what they want, and maintain a positive point of view on life.
This is one of God's principles of living that He tells us about in His Word. Whenever the World finds something that works, it turns out to be a Biblical principle. Because God designed the World to work this way. So even when unchristian people run their lives according to God's principles, they will work, and the people will gain this World's prosperity to enjoy. But that's all.
Jesus said, What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole World, and lose his own soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? (Mark 8:36-37). That is the situation of these people who only consider the Universe to be their "higher power."
We live only a few days, a few moments, in this mortal life; we will spend all eternity, forever and ever, in the next. This life is our schooling as children, and how well we listen to our Teacher and learn what He is teaching us, and living our lives according to His ways, will determine our positions at our "graduation," our "adoption," when we will receive our spiritual bodies in exchange for these carnal bodies.
Both the saved people and the lost people will receive spiritual bodies: the one, suitable to live with God forever; the other, suitable to exist forever in the absence of all that God is, since they rejected Him.
So we all would do well to focus on the good that God gives us all every day, and turn to Him as our Source of everything we need.
O my Father, fill my heart with Your good things: Your Word, Your attitudes, Your understanding and discernment; Your ways.
When I speak, may my words reflect Your character.
Help me to renew my mind and thinking, and to put on Your Full Armor of God each day as I face this World and the spiritual authorities in the heavenlies.
Help me to remember that I battle not flesh and blood, that people are precious; and strengthen me day by day.
And enable me to promote Your Kingdom every day, Father. That Your Name be honored and glorified, that You will receive all the praise and all the credit, that Your Throne will reign over all Creation forever.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!