Amos 1: 1, 9
V. 1
Amos was not a professional prophet, he was just a sheep breeder from Judah and God sent him to the Northern Nation of Israel to give them His Word.
V. 9
Against Tyre. They had a treaty with David and Solomon that included not selling Hebrews into slavery, which they did.
They had signed the agreement as a bond of brotherhood and good will, but broke it in delivering up "an entire population" to Edom as slaves.
Now Tyre will have to suffer the consequences.
When we make an agreement we need to honor the terms of it, even if it means harm may come to us (Psalm 16:4). That's why we need to have discernment before signing on the dotted line. Once we've signed, then we're bound by the agreement.
O my Father, please show me before I sign any agreement what the actual terms are, that I may understand my responsibilities to fulfill them.
Thank You, Father.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus.