
Thursday, November 15, 2018

God's Plan Of The Ages

Psalm 46

(1) God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
(2) Therefore we will not fear, though the Earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, 
(3) Though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.

(6) Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; He lifts His voice, the Earth melts.

(8) Come and see the works of the Lord, the desolations He has brought on the Earth.
(9) He makes wars cease to the ends of the Earth; He breaks the bow and shatters the spear, He burns the shields with fire.

(10) Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the Nations, I will be exalted in the Earth.

(4) There is a River whose streams make glad the City of God, the Holy Place where the Most High dwells.
(5) God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of Day.

(7 & 11) The Lord Almighty is with us; The God of Jacob is our Fortress.

This Psalm sings of God's very present help as our refuge and strength, even when this Earth changes: when the mountains slip into the sea, the waters roar and foam as the mountains quake, when He raises His voice and the whole Earth melts! (See also II Peter 3:10.)

But we need not be afraid. The wrath of God being poured out on the inhabitants of the Earth will not touch God's own children; the wrath due them was already poured out on Christ Jesus, as our personal Sacrifice, the Lamb of God (I Thessalonians 5:9). Even though thousands perish beside us, ten thousands at our right hand, it will not touch us (Psalm 91:7). 

Then when this Earth has exploded and this Universe has imploded (II Peter 3:10), that's when God will re-make it all as a different Heaven (Universe) and Earth (I Corinthians 13:8), based on a whole different basis of life and existance (Revelation 21:1, 4-5). 

Then the River flowing from the Throne of God in that Holy Place that will be the City of God (the New Jerusalem), will be the River of Life, with the Tree of Life growing along its banks (Revelation 22:1-2). 

At the "break of Day" in the New Jerusalem, the beginning of forever, God will make sure that everything is just perfect, because He is perfect, and too pure to allow anything that falls short of perfection to live with Him (Revelation 21:3). 

Therefore, The Lord Almighty is with us; The God of Jacob is our Fortress. 

O my dear Father, I anticipate with joy and excitement all You are accomplishing in this World and the culmination of all things of this Earth: the New Earth and Your Holy City, the New Jerusalem, to come down out of Heaven to be established on this very Earth, renewed, cleansed, and resurrected; for You to dwell here with us! (as You revealed in Revelation 21 and 22.)

O Father, Your Plan is so glorious! To have Your own Son come to make each of Your children perfect, cleansing us of every shadow of stain of sin with His precious Blood, one-by-one! 

And You are continuing to work Your Plan, and nothing mere Man can do can alter Your course! You alone are God Almighty, and You will accomplish all Your desire for us and this Earth and Universe. You will remove the curse that sin placed on this existance, and in the New Creation there will not be any wearing down, no wearing out, no growing old, no death or sorrow or pain or crying. What You have done remains, and what we will do will also remain. 

So all our science, all the knowledge we have amassed about this World and how it operates, will be obsolete (I Cor. 13:8); we will learn a whole new Science of how You made the New Order of Things. 


Even so, come, Lord Jesus!