Jeremiah 52: 28-30
These are the people whom Nebuchadnezzar carried away into exile: In the seventh year ... In the eighteenth year ... In the twenty-third year ...
Proverbs 14: 8a, 15
The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way ... The naive believes everything, but the prudent man considers his steps.
God's chosen people Israel (Judah) were warned but did not turn to God, so He sent them into exile. They still refused to obey God, and more were carried away. They continued to rebel against God and the authority God had placed over them, and they were completely destroyed and carried away into a far-away foreign country and culture; and left no Temple, no houses, not even a City Wall standing in their own land.
O my Father, please teach me to be obedient to whatever authorities You place over me, for accountability and the umbrella of protection.
Help me to understand the desires behind whatever rules are imposed on me; help me to discern my place in Your heirarchy of authority and humbly submit to their rules.
Give me balance so that I will not be just a legalistic rule observer, but to joyfully submit to the spirit of the laws.
Help me to be aware of not only my words, but my whole way of life; that I may consider my steps and overtake whatever naivety would shield me from the Truth of my situation.
Take my hand, Father, as my Guide, to lead me into Your paths of righteousness. Hold me tightly, Father, don't let me slip away, don't let me pull away, or wander to the left or the right. Lead me aright, straight on Your path, and help me think Your thoughts, reason with Your logic, and believe You implicitly, as well as believe in You.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!