
Monday, July 3, 2017

Law And Joy

Psalm 128: 1

How joyful are those who fear the Lord, all who follow His ways!

Proverbs 29: 18

When people do not accept Divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the Law is joyful.

When people are lawless, chaos abounds. God gave us His Laws so that we will have order in our lives and our relationships. 

O my Father, Your goodness to us is unsearchable. Your ways are beyond fully knowing. Your ways are so far above our ways, we would never be able to discern them had You not revealed them to us. We don't even want to know You until You grant us that desire.

O Father, forgive our rebellion and defiance! Remove our stony hearts and give us a heart of flesh; vulnerable and teachable and moldable by You. Teach us Your ways and strengthen us to walk in them. Open our ears to hear Your still, small voice behind us, saying, "This is the path, walk ye in it." Strengthen our resolve to do and act on what You have taught us, instead of following our own ideas; to accomplish Your purposes in our daily, moment-to-moment lives. 

Please help us to obey You, to do Your will Your way. Then You will reward us for our obedience and we will experience Your joy.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!