
Thursday, May 3, 2018

To Understand

Nehemiah 8: 1-8 

V. 3  From daybreak until noon [Ezra] read from [the Book of Moses] in the courtyard in front of Water Gate to the men, women and children who could understand it. All the people listened to the Book of Moses' Teachings.

Vs. 7-8  The Levites (they are all named, 14 of them) explained the Teachings to the people while they were standing there. They read the Book of God's Teachings clearly and explained the meaning so that the people could understand what was read. 

When the Israelites were given permission to return home to Jerusalem, many of them left Babylon and came back to the Promised Land, to rebuild the Temple and the wall around the city.

They had been in exile for 70 years, so they hadn't been able to access the Scriptures during that time of slavery. That's why they asked Ezra to read them the written record of all they were to do to worship the Lord God. 

Ezra the Priest stood on a raised wooden platform made for this occasion, standing above everyone else, so they could all hear him.

And the Levites that were there spread themselves out in front of all the people to make sure the listeners could clearly understand all the technnical aspects and details of all the precepts and regulations so that they would be able to perform all the sacrifices with a proper intent. 

We might say that God wrote the Bible in a kind of code that takes the guidance of His Holy Spirit to decode. Many "scholars" who don't have God's Spirit have tried to understand, but have missed the whole point of it all.

My efforts with this blog is to share what I believe God's Spirit has been teaching me as I study His Word. 

I want people to know what God is saying, and to understand why He says what He says, and why He tells us these things. He has spoken plainly, always in the recipients' spoken tongue (Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic), because He wants all of us to realize how close He is to each one of us. 

And the Bible as been translated into countless (I don't have that number handy) languages, the heart-tongues of peoples all over the World. Our God speaks all languages, God gave language to Mankind because words have great power. 

Our words have power to build up or destroy one another. God's Word has the power to give Life to each one of us who seek Him. 

May God bless each reader of this blog, my humble effort to offer Life to each one of you. May these words give you a clear understanding of what God wants us all to know; to receive that Life He offers through His Son; and to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!