I find a curious event recorded in Genesis 38 concerning Tamar's pregnancy. As a mother, I wonder how this pregnancy progressed, since it wasn't known there were twins until the birth.
It seems the boys were struggling and competing with each other to be born first, as Zerah put his hand out of the birth canal long enough for the midwife to tie a scarlet string around the wrist. Then it was pulled back into the womb and Perez was born first, then his brother with the scarlet string.
Is this another example of God choosing the second over the first? Perez is now in the direct line to David the King, so also in the line to Christ Jesus, too.
There is nothing else written about Zerah, he drops out of sight in Scripture, yet he actually had his hand out first. Such competition! For such a distant reward!
O my Father, You are great! You know who You have chosen: for salvation, for destruction, for their places in Your great Plan of the Ages; as well as Your plan for each one of us, our place in Your grand scheme.
Thank You, Father, for designing everything and making it all according to Your design, causing it all to function and work out to fulfill Your purposes for everything, and Your great, grand Purpose for us all!
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!