Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
All of Jesus' miracles show His authority over:
physical conditions:
His authority over:
food: loaves and fishes, water to wine;
weather: calming the wind and the waves, walking on water, letting Peter walk on water;
demons: to command them, limit them, to cast them out, even at a distance;
Life and death: to raise from the dead;
And the most amazing: to forgive sins.
All these miracles show His authority over the material world and spiritual world He created, to do whatever He wants with His own property.
And all His teachings: the parables, the prophesies, the stories; all show His complete understanding of all He has made and how it works, how everything works together, and how we are to regard God and one another. And how this world will function in His Kingdom; in His own (who have received Him) who are living now, and under His rule as King of the World for that 1000 years (Revelation 20:1-7), and continuing in the New Heaven and New Earth forever.
Next we will see what He accomplished, the work He finished.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!