Romans 8: 11
But if the Spirit of Him Who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He Who raised Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit Who indwells you.
The Spirit that came to indwell the disciples on the day of Pentecost has been indwelling the members of God's church ever since. This is the same Holy Spirit that has been working in God's people ever since Creation.
There is one Holy Spririt. So the same Spirit Who helped with Creation, Who guided and protected and defended God's heroes in times past, Who raised Jesus from the dead and gave Him His Resurrection body, is the same Spirit that indwells you and me today.
O my Father, You are so great and glorious! Your power, wisdom, and control are perfect! You have created everything, and Your purposes for everything are being carried out and fulfilled according to Your grand Plan of the Ages!
Mere Man can do nothing to deter Your purposes, no matter what we think we can do!
And Your Spirit, Who indwells Your chosen ones, will preserve and give life to our mortal bodies, overcoming our mortality with immortality; changing our very bodies into Resurrection bodies, like Jesus'.
And we will live and reign with Christ Jesus our Sovereign King for the thousand years of this Earth's Golden Age!
Your Program that You plotted out before You even created us is being carried out and accomplished before our very eyes, just as You told us beforehand it would!
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!