
Sunday, April 2, 2017


I Thessalonians 5: 23-24

God, Who calls me, is faithful, His peace will make me holy in every way, and keep my whole spirit and soul and body blameless until that Day when our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.

Jesus took the death I earned on the Cross as my personal Sacrifice (see Leviticus, chapter 1), His blood, splashed on the sides of His altar, the Cross, not only covered but washed away all my sins and the sinfulness of my human nature before I was even born, but was applied to my account on that day that God showed me Jesus on His Cross, and I knew He took my place there.

That is how He made peace between me and God, and that is when I heard His call. The Blood of Jesus is God's own Blood, and it has endless value to pay the debts of all sin and sins, and He purchased the whole Universe. That gives Him the authority to be our Savior; but also our Judge, if we don't accept His payment on our behalf. His gift of Salvation and Redemption is offered freely to every person, but only those who want to come to Him will be saved; all the rest will face their own righteous judgment at His court.

O my Father, I praise You and thank You for Your goodness and Your gentleness and Your care for me. I thank You for Your good plans for my life, and Your wisdom and care in having it play out in my life. I thank You that Your plans are so much better than mine. 

Help me, Father, strengthen me in Your righteousness and holiness to accept Your way of interrupting my plans, and help me to not hold it against those You use for this furtherance of Your care for me. Erase my irritation with the realization that these interruptions are from You, not them, to accomplish Your will for me. And may You receive all the credit, all the glory for what You are doing each day in my life.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!