I Peter 2: 1-3
Taking note of the teachings of the whole first chapter.
putting aside all malice
"Malice" is desiring to inflict injury, harm or suffering on another; meanness. Let's not do this any more.
and all deceit
This is concealing the Truth in order to mislead; fraud; cheating. This is never appropriate for a child of the King.
and hypocrisy
This word comes from "actor" and has come to mean a pretender, one who gives a pretense of being what he is not; of having good character when he does not possess the virtue he is pretending to have.
and envy
"Envy" is wanting what someone else has. People confuse it with "jealousy," which is a fear of losing what one has. God is a jealous God, and will not give His glory to another to be replaced by any other god.
We are to be content with what we have, and rejoice with others in what they have, not envy them.
and all slander,
This is to spread malicious untrue stories about someone, to tear down their character with lies.
As newborn babies,
One may be advanced in years, yet still a babe in spiritual matters.
long for the pure milk of the Word,
Milk is the "first food" of a newborn child, after the colostrum. This is the "perfect food" that provides all the nourishment the baby needs in order to grow. The pure milk of the Word would be the basic, fundamental Truths of who God is, what Jesus accomplished, and who we are in Him.
When we have an adequate understanding of these concepts, then we can go on to other things. But these are basic, and all the other teachings depend on these.
that by it you may grow in respect to Salvation,
We need to learn these first things so that we will be able to grow up spiritually into adults in God's family and in His Kingdom. We must prepare in order to eventually rule.
If you have tasted the kindness of the Lord.
If you have experienced the kindness, the graciousness of the Lord, in His having taken Your death upon Himself in your place, so that you could live with Him.
Peter says, "if." Because if you have not taken that first step, to realize that you deserve execution as a criminal because of your own sins, and that Jesus died for you; then you might as well just close the book, because you won't be able to understand the rest.
These smallest words may be the heaviest. "If." A tiny word. But with so much importance. It conveys doubt. "Since" would be "because of," assuming the salvation of the readers. But "if" conveys a wondering whether the hearers of this letter really do know the Lord.
So we must examine our own hearts and motives and understandings. Peter doesn't accuse here, he just throws out that "if" to encourage each one to examine himself. God only knows another person's heart. We are all responsible for our own thinking processes and desires, which result in what we do.
So if anyone has a problem with malice, or deceit, or hypocrisy, or envy, or slanderous gossip; then, by all means, get this settled with the Lord, in the privacy of your own heart, and ask for forgiveness and strength to do better. And if anyone else was harmed or hurt, then make amends. Get it right. Make it right.
O my Father, please help us to know ourselves. Our own hearts lie to us, and we are vulnerable to the attacks of the World and our enemy and his minions. Keep us aware of our own weaknesses, and rely on You for Your strength. Enable us to help one another, in a positive mode to build up, and not negatively blaming or accusing.
Give us eyes to see one another as You see us, Father. So that we will recognize Your image stamped upon each other, and encourage one another in our knowledge of You and our walk with You in our individual paths.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!