I Samuel 20: 31
For as long as the son of Jesse lives on the Earth, neither you nor your kingdom will be established. Therefore now, bring him to me, for he must surely die.
This is what King Saul told his son Jonathan. Saul knew that God had chosen David to be king in Israel, instead of Saul. But Saul was a proud man, and his pride wanted his own son to be king after him. He wanted to thwart God's plan and have his own dynasty to prevail.
But God cannot be thwarted by any mere man. If Saul had humbled himself before the Lord, his dynasty would have prevailed, he would have been the founder of the unbroken line that would bring our Savior and Redeemer. But his pride kept tripping him up, so he lost out on that distinction. Now he is remembered as a mentally ill failure instead.
O my Father, May I always take note of the details of my life, paying attention to wherever I may assert my own pride, instead of humbling myself before You. May my self-respect and my intrinsic worth to You, Lord, never become selfish pride. Keep me always aware that only in You have I great value, not in my sin-soaked flesh.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!