Psalm 126:5-6
Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy carrying sheaves with him.
"Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves,
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves." --Old Hymn.
To all of us who are praying for our dear family members and friends who do not yet know the Lord, never give up hope for their salvation. Where there is breath, there is still hope. Ask our Father to touch their hearts with the desire to know His Truth, to be freed from deception, and honestly want to move into the freedom from slavery to sin.
I thought I had invented the phrase, "a downward spiral," in reference to my repeated trying to free myself from the deadly lifestyle I had given myself into, only to fall back into it ever deeper. And God found me very unexpectedly, rescued me from that sin, gave me a brand-new life (in addition to my natural, human life that I still have) that gives me the power to choose what is right over what I regularly had fallen into. He has come into my life to live in my body as His temple, promising to never, ever leave. And He has kept that promise faithfully all the decades since.
What He has done for me, He wants to do for you, too, and your loved ones. Faithfully pray for them every day, and never pass up an opportunity to share what God has done for you. We gain the victory through the Blood of the Lamb (on the Altar of Calvary) and the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11), as we are Christ's witnesses, to tell of what we have personally experienced (like in a court of law, no hearsay allowed there).
Even so, come Lord Jesus!
I thought I had invented the phrase, "a downward spiral," in reference to my repeated trying to free myself from the deadly lifestyle I had given myself into, only to fall back into it ever deeper. And God found me very unexpectedly, rescued me from that sin, gave me a brand-new life (in addition to my natural, human life that I still have) that gives me the power to choose what is right over what I regularly had fallen into. He has come into my life to live in my body as His temple, promising to never, ever leave. And He has kept that promise faithfully all the decades since.
What He has done for me, He wants to do for you, too, and your loved ones. Faithfully pray for them every day, and never pass up an opportunity to share what God has done for you. We gain the victory through the Blood of the Lamb (on the Altar of Calvary) and the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11), as we are Christ's witnesses, to tell of what we have personally experienced (like in a court of law, no hearsay allowed there).
Even so, come Lord Jesus!