Isaiah 55: 2
Why do you spend your money on food that does not nourish you? Why are you paying for food that does you no good? Listen to Me, and you will eat what is good; you will enjoy the finest food.
So much of America's diet is not even food, but chemicals! All the artificial ingredients in it do not nourish us, but only "spike" the pleasure centers of our brains, so we will be deceived into thinking it tastes good. We are getting fat as we starve.
God made this Earth for us, and He put in it everything we need for good health and prosperity. One-ingredient foods, like a meat or a potato or a carrot, are real food. Food that will nourish our bodies, feed our brains, and give us energy. When it is processed, and other stuff is added to it; when all the nourishment is removed, then replaced artificially; it becomes merely deceptive dainties.
It is said, you are what you eat. That is because our bodies use what we consume to repair our cells, and when we eat what is not food, then these artificial chemicals work their way into our make-up; resulting in our bodies attacking themselves with auto-immune diseases.
When Daniel was brought to Babylon and chosen to be prepared for the king's court and service, he recognized that the king's food was not healthy, so he requested only vegetables and water. Then after the time of testing, because he had gone through this "cleanse," he looked much healthier than the others, because he was. (see Daniel chapter 1.) This is a good example given us to learn from.
I search for natural, organic, unprocessed foods, and prepare my own meals at home. I know that these foods that God has provided from this Earth He designed for us will give me good, dense nourishment without extra calories. And it has enabled me to enjoy exceptional physical health.
Praise God for providing for us everything we need, in this Earth and in His Son. God loves us and wants the best for us, so He sent His best to meet our most urgent need, the Spiritual. That is Real Life (see John 6:63).
When we seek God and His righteousness first, then all these Earthly things will also be given to us (Matthew 6:63). God will not withhold any good thing from His own children.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!