
Friday, December 29, 2017

To Distinguish Us

Exodus 33: 16

For how then can it be known that I have found favor in Thy sight, I and Thy people? Is it not by Thy going with us, so that we, I and Thy people, may be distinguished from all the other people who are upon the face of the Earth?

God has discussed with Moses the possibility of God not going with them in the Desert, because if the people continually disobey Him, then He might destroy them. But Moses brings up that His reputation may be damaged among the peoples of the other Nations, and they would see Him as no different than all their false gods, if He doesn't go with them.

God always knows what He's going to do, but He poses questions and situations to get His people to think "out of the box" sometimes. Here He's wanting Moses to realize how different He is from every other god that is worshiped. His going with His people distinguished them from all others.

Then Moses asked to see God's glory, and God showed him His goodness, hiding him in the "cleft of the rock" and covering him with His hand until He passed by, so Moses only saw His back (v 18-23). This proved that He is not anything like any other in all the World.

That affected Moses so that his face glowed with the glory of God, and he was not even aware of it (34:29).

We also have our God going with us, His Spirit dwelling in our spirit, and when we spend time with God, our faces can glow, too. God is still God, and He does not change. 

He deals with each of us differently, just as Jesus varied in His approaches to different people, because we are all different from one another in many ways. But we are all still of one blood, one race of Mankind, and we all have the same need for forgiveness and cleansing and Redemption.

And He goes with each of His Redeemed children, so we need to show forth this God in our lives, and live out the Redemption He has worked into each of us (Philippians 2:12). That is our responsibility, to cooperate with Him, and choose to do the right thing, even if it is difficult or inconvenient, or even impossible. 

O my Father, You have distinguished Your people Israel by going with them in the Shekinah Glory over the Ark of the Covenant; and You have distinguished each of us Your children with Your Spirit living inside our spirit, making it alive; and giving us Your strength to do what we cannot do, and to grant us Your peace even in the midst of turmoil, beyond anything we can understand or reason. 

Thank You, Father, for Your goodness and Your glory and Your greatness. Thank You that You are sovereign over everything You have made, and have decided the purposes for each part of Your creation. Thank You that You are faithful to say only what You mean, and to mean everything You say, to accomplish all Your will.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!