Hebrews 10:24-25
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
"How we may spur one another on." I hope that with this blog I am able to "put the spurs in," as the rider does the horse, "toward love and good works." My prayer for each of you, dear readers, that the words God gives me to post here may poke at you, as the "pricks" Saul kicked against in Acts 6:5 (KJV).
"Toward love and good works." Love for God, and the agape love God has for us, given to one another; then what we do, our "good works," will be in the power of His Spirit in us, beneficial for one another and acceptable to God, for which He will reward us.
"Not giving up meeting together." I appreciate that you come online to my blog, but this is only a personal devotion, between you and God. Please do not let it become a substitute for attending a local congregation, where you can get to know other believers in our precious faith, seeing how you can minister to them according to their needs that you are competent to meet--the "good works."
"As some are in the habit of doing." Some Christians, sad to say, refuse to find a church congregation to join themselves to, thinking that solitary communion with God and online connection satisfies this need. But if we do not meet face-to-face, how can we fulfill this Law of Love?
"Encouraging one another." Meeting together in person regularly is the way God intended for us to "be Christ" to one another. He wants to be with us, to have us with Him, and we also need one another. This is how we can best encourage one another, give one another courage to face life and live the holy life God intends for us.
"And all the more as you see the Day approaching." This Day is when Jesus will return to this Earth to reign as King of the World for a thousand years (Revelation 20:4-7). The signs of the Last Days have been manifesting ever since Jesus ascended into Heaven, but never before have all the signs been present at the same time, as it is today. Jesus is coming soon. How much do we want to be ready to meet Him in the air, in the clouds, and not be ashamed of anything about our lives before Him? God has given us one another, and like all the coals in a fire glow hot together, we must continue to meet together. When a coal is separated from the hearth, it may glow for a while, but will go cold. Put it back into the fire, and it will come back to life again, glowing with the others.
So let us all obey the commands we are given, follow the rules set down, live our lives according to the loving character of our Father in Heaven, through His Son, Christ Jesus our Lord; then we will experience the benefits of cooperating with how God designed this World to work, and we will be ready for His coming.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus.