
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

To Serve God Without Fear

Luke 1:74-75

To grant us, that we, being delivered from the hand of our enemies, might serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before Him all our days.

When enemies rule over us, we are not free to worship God according to His Word. Our forefathers left England and came to America in order to worship God freely and not be compelled to join a nationalized church. So our Constitution specifically states that the government is not to establish a church or organized religion, nor is it to interfere with any church or religious people. When this foundation for our laws was followed, we had the freedom to preach the Gospel without fear; we could teach our children how to read using the Bible for our textbook; we could bless our neighbors and customers freely without fear. And we enjoyed the prosperity that flowed from this.

I have recently heard about florists and bakers and other businesspeople who have blessed their customers in the past but are now being sued in court for maintaining the right ways God has allowed to be established in this Nation. Enemies of God are now gaining power.

O Lord Almighty, please wake up Your church, show us what each one of us is to do, how to act, what to pursue, to deliver us from the hand of our enemies, in rooting out those who are leading us away from Your good Ways and raising up others in our government who do know Your ways to bring up this Nation back into Your righteousness, and receive Your blessings, the benefits of cooperating with how You designed this world to work.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!