
Monday, March 24, 2014

Our Problem & God's Solution

Romans 5:13b-18


Sin, the condition of being less than the ideal, was in the world, but is not taken into account, not considered wrong, when there is no law or rule or command against it. Nevertheless, death reigned, everybody died anyway from the time Adam introduced sin into the world all the way up to when Moses actually gave the Law, that pointed out the many ways we fall short of God's ideal for us.

But God's gift is not like the trespass. Everybody died as the result of the one transgression, with no conscious decision or awareness. So much better is that God now offers His grace-gift of justification for all the trespasses, rebellions and insufficiencies, for anyone who would be willing to receive God's abundant provision of grace and His grace-gift of imputed (applied to our account) righteousness through the one Man Jesus Christ.

To sum it up: Just as the result of one trespass brought condemnation to everybody, so also the one act of righteousness brings the offer of life, Eternal life, to everybody.