Hebrews 11: 24-26
By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; choosing rather to endure ill-treatment with the people of God, than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin; considering the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt; for he was looking to the reward.
Moses had been raised in the palace of Pharaoh, being educated with the best and most cutting-edge knowledge, living in the luxury of royalty, being groomed to be the next Pharaoh, the king over the most advanced super-power of the day.
So what did he do instead? Take off to the back-side of the desert. That's where God found him, to commission him to lead His people out of the slavery they found themselves in, into the land flowing with milk and honey.
This was no easy path. Why did Moses decide to give up all that "good life" and endure "the reproach of Christ" instead? Because his eyes were on the prize. His mother had taught him who he was, as a small child, a toddler. And he remembered what she taught him so early in his life. He may have found "all the treasures of Egypt" to be empty, compared to the glory of the God of his people.
I would like to know how his mother taught him, that stayed with him and persuaded him of his worth to God and the value of following Him, even through all the hardship, disappointment and sorrow it would entail.
Do I consider "the reproach of Christ" to be worth more than the "treasures of Egypt (the World)"? Would I forego some easy road to embark on the path to righteousness? Would you?
Do I value the Blood of Christ, which was shed for me, to wash away the stain that God sees no more, even though no one else even saw it at all?
O that I would, like Moses, refuse to indulge myself in the pleasures of this life in order to suffer the trials of taking up my cross following Christ in His path to Calvary!
That I may set my eyes on the prize of what I cannot see, trusting Who I've not met in the flesh, to do what He has told His prophets to write, trusting what I read there, even when there is no physical evidence!
But there is historical evidence and archaeological evidence that what God says is true, what He says will happen actually did happen. There is more and more evidence all the time.
But the evidence isn't what convinced me--it was that God found me, showed me Jesus on His Cross, and I knew He took my place in death. I deserved it, He didn't. That's how much God loved me, even though I was living my life against what I knew to be His standards.
Even when I was His enemy, God loved me anyway. And He made me His own daughter that day. Since then, I've learned so much, gained so much knowledge and wisdom from studying His Word, and I love Him so much I sometimes think my heart will burst.
His love is deeper, higher, larger, warmer, truer, more longer-lasting and unconditional than I can ever think or imagine. He is God! My Lord God Almighty, Who is and was and is to come, unchangeable.
Dear reader, do you know this Love? Can you depend on this Lord to hold you in His hand? Have you ever curled up in His lap? Have you been cuddled in His arms?
He loves you as He loves me; as passionately as a newlywed groom is enamored with his new bride on their wedding night.
Come to Him, let Him take your death on His Cross, and be cleansed, saved from the power of sin in your life, and redeemed to be wedded to Him and rule with Him in His Kingdom when He returns to this Earth, soon.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!