Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Abide in Me

Jesus' discourse recorded in John 15:1-17   

Abide in Me; Abide in My love; Keep my commandment to love one another; That My joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full; Abide in Me and whatever you ask in My Name, My Father will give you; That you bear much fruit and your fruit should remain; By this is My father glorified!

So if I love Jesus, if I am "at home" in His love for me, then I will also love others who He loves; and loving others, I will wish no harm to them, keeping the Law; my joy will increase in spite of circumstances; and whatever I pray for will be according to the love Jesus has for me and I have for Him and others, and the Father will be glorified in answering my requests, thereby producing fruit that will endure. Everything is intricately tied into each other, woven together tightly so that love joy, obedience, asking and receiving answers, fruit bearing, and God's glory are all intertwined. Amazing!