
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

God's Will

I Thessalonians 4:3-8

For this is the will of God, --

What is God's will for me? Here it is.

your sanctification; --

This is what will make us holy, separated from this world's evil.

that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality; --

To not use our body parts in ways not intended by God.

that each of you know how to possess his own vessel --

Each of us needs to take care of the physical needs of our bodies, we are each responsible for our own bodies.

in sanctification and honor, --

We care for our bodies with the aim of separating from worldly things that would harm or damage our physical life or relationships, or dishonor ourselves or others.

not in lustful passion, --

We are not to give in to our "I want it and I want it now" lusts for whatever it is we want, whether a sexual arousal or some other appetite, such as a chemical-laden non-food that fires up pleasure responses in our brain.

like the Gentiles who don't know God; --

That's like the people who don't know God, who put other things and desires before wanting to know God; who worship themselves or their possessions or their status; Pagans.

and that no man transgress and defraud his brother in the matter --

If a believer falls into a passionate physical relationship with one who is not his wife, he is defrauding her father and her future husband of what is rightfully given on a wedding night.

because the Lord is the avenger in all these things, --

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Avenger who will settle all scores and even all odds, because He is the One Who is our perfect Sacrifice, atoning in full for every transgression, deed, thought, word and desire that is not up to God's perfect Standard.

just as we also told you before and solemnly warned you. --

We are warned repeatedly all through Scripture, both Old and New Testaments, and every preacher of righteousness we have ever heard.

For God has not called us for the purpose of impurity, --

God did not give us a free will in order to do whatever we want;

but in sanctification.

But so that we could freely choose His good for us, and be rewarded for our choices.

Consequently, he who rejects this --

As a consequence of this, those who don't choose to agree with God, who make their own decisions to believe and do whatever they want, 

is not rejecting man,

are not rejecting the people who preached righteousness,

but the God Who gives His Holy Spirit to you.

but are rejecting God Who is the Maker of it all and told us how it works; and they refuse to cooperate, so they go against the right, then wonder why they suffer. But God has given us who believe His Holy Spirit to inform us, to teach us the right ways, and to strengthen us to be able to do the hard thing that is the right thing to do.

Dear Father, help me to always "possess [my] own vessel in sanctification and honor." Help me to always consider Your ways when I am tempted to react in worldly ways, and do the hard thing; to keep my mouth shut; to eat the real foods You provide; to order my gestures and looks to not tempt anyone to take advantage, and thereby dishonor You by dishonoring my body.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!