
Thursday, August 3, 2017

Supplies Or Spirit

Psalm 20: 7

Some boast in chariots, and some in horses; but we will boast in the Name of the Lord, our God.

David was a very highly skilled military genius. Today, instead of chariots and horses, he would say tanks, bombers and submarines, or even atomic or biological weapons. The message he is giving us here is that no matter what our worldly provisions are, they are all worthless without the wisdom and power of our Lord God behind us (and before us, and above and below, and all around us). 

Like David, I realize that in myself I have nothing that is strong, or righteous, or commendable. I can never win any battle in my own strength. I must turn to my Lord every time, for every battle. I cannot depend on how He delivered me the last time, even though the situation seems similar; He may have a different plan for this new battle. I must seek His face every time.

O my Father, please teach me Your abilities and capabilities, train me and equip me to be an acceptable servant to You, my Lord. Help me to know what You would have me do in all the areas of my life: relationships, possessions, actions, words; my own attitudes toward all these things.

Thank You for being with me, for upholding me, placing my feet on Your Rock which is Jesus. 

Continue to work in me and on me, Father, and hold my hand tightly, not letting me wander or stray to the right or to the left, but walking straight.

Let this day and the things You accomplish this day bring You all the honor, credit and glory forever.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!