Galatians 5: 14
For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
And this one word is, "Love." When we love God and trust Him implicitly, then we will want to obey Him. And in obeying Him, we will love our neighbor as ourselves, the Golden Rule, and we won't want to do anything to harm them or cheat them or detract from their worth.
Love will fulfill every righteous law, whether toward God or toward each other. And we will go beyond the mere letter of the Law: We won't only not lie to our neighbor, we will want them to know the Truth. We won't want to commit adultery, we won't even allow ourselves to look upon another in an unwholesome way. We won't pray to anyone else, or "honor" anyone or anything else before we consider God's authority, or instead of thinking to ask Him first. No matter what kind of law it is, if it is a righteous law, then love will already have obeyed it.
Sometimes Man's laws are unrighteous, considering one class of people to the detriment of another class.
But we are all of one blood, all come from Adam, and all have equal value and worth in the eyes of our Maker (Acts 17:26, Galatians 3:28).
God so loved us that He gave us His only Son, so that if anyone of any Nation, or any color, or any language, anywhere in this whole Earth, would realize that they deserve death because of their sinfulness, and trust that Jesus paid in full that debt they owe to God in taking their death on the Cross, then they would not be subject to punishment or God's wrath any more, but have a New Life that will live forever (John 3:16-18).
We are all born from Adam's DNA that causes us to inherit that propensity to sin, to choose poorly, selfishly. That's why we are "by nature creatures of wrath" (Ephesians 2:3).
This is why Jesus was born, to be our Lamb of God, the Perfect Sacrifice, that doesn't just cover sins, but actually washes them away. This is God's own Precious Blood, that has eternal value, more than enough to save every single one of all Mankind, every person who chooses to come to Him.
That's how much God loves us. Each and every one of us. There is nothing we can do to make Him love us any more or any less--it's perfect, unconditional love, that never changes. We can trust it. We can lean on it. We can depend on it.
And we're to love one another with His Love.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!