
Monday, January 28, 2019

Wisdom And Fools

Proverbs 16: 21, 23

The wise in heart are called discerning, and pleasant words [make one pursuasive in] promot[ing] insruction.
A wise man's heart guides his mouth, and [makes] his lips [pursuasive,] promot[ing] instruction.

If I want to have any influence in others' lives, if I want to show how beautiful and wonderful our God is to the World; then I need to have wisdom. Not the world's wisdom, but true wisdom from the Designer and Maker of this realm. 

Proverbs 9:10: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; and the knowledge of the holy [One] is understanding.
So I must have reverential respect (fear) for the Lord God, then I will begin to understand the wise way to go, the words of wisdom I am to speak. Because: 
Psalm 111: 10: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding (or good successhave all they that do His commandments. ...
Just knowing them is not enough. It takes obedience. I must do what He says, if I want to have success in my endeavors. 

Jesus talked about two men who both built houses. Both were building a nice home to live in with their families, to fill with beautiful furniture, etc. But one paid attention to the foundation underneath it, and the other one didn't. So when the storms of life happened to both of them, the one house (life) withstood the tumult, and the other was destroyed (see Matthew 7:24-27; and Luke 6:46-49). 

The foundation upon which we build our lives is the determinate of whether we will succeed in life or be destroyed. Jesus prefaced both tellings of this story with saying that just knowing what He said was the sand under the one house, and obedience to, doing what He commands, is the rock foundation under the other house that withstood the same storms that destroyed the other. 

But I need to remember:
Proverbs 1:7: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; but fools despise wisdom and instruction. 

 The Book of Proverbs uses the word "fool" for a person who is morally deficient, not necessarily mentally deficient. These "fools" can be very highly intelligent, even geniuses, and very talented; but they have no understanding of God's holiness and purity, which we see here as a high moral compass. 

They see nothing wrong with the most depraved and unhealthy lifestyles imaginable; yet judge godly people as hateful for not approving these disgusting acts. They are showing their despising of wisdom and the instruction that would teach them better. 

To deal with these people takes much godly wisdom. Jesus said not to cast our pearls before swine, lest they trample them and turn and attack us (Matthew 7:6), which has happened all too often, as we see in the press. 

But Jude says that we are to save them with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh (Jude 23). If this isn't hating the sin while loving the sinner enough to endanger oneself, I don't know what is. 

So, Father, I need Your wisdom in all that I do and say, whether in this blog or in my spoken words or in my emails and texts. Help me, Father, to think before I speak or type; think how the words I will convey will be received by the hearer. To think about the words I use that they will accurately present Your Truth and Your Love and Your Justice, Your mercies and grace. 

Let me break through the gates of hell that shield my loved ones from understanding Your wonderful ways, Father (Matthew 16:18). Give me pursuasiveness in dealing with them, and the victory in Christ through His precious Blood and my personal testamony of Your goodness to me (Revelation 12:11). 

And may we all bless Your holy Name. May we all worship You in Your holiness and majesty. May we all delight in bowing our knees before Your Throne, my God and my King and my Lord. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!