Luke 15:11-32
I read again the story of the lost son. My older daughter has shared with me that she felt like that prodigal son's older brother, since I let my younger daughter come back home. In that story, the father represented God, and did nothing wrong; the one in the wrong was the older brother, in not appreciating what he already had, and being jealous and resentful of his little brother. And my older daughter has "never" accepted her sister. But I am not God, and so I recognize that I have not done righteously toward my older daughter. Lord, please show me my fault, how I have wronged my children, and how to make amends to them to heal our relationships.
Even so, come. Lord Jesus!
(Note: This is my journal entry of several years ago. Much has passed "under the bridge" since that time. God is faithful and answered my prayer in ways I did not expect.)