
Friday, December 4, 2015

A Child Is Born, A Son Is Given

Isaiah 9:6-7

For to us a child is born, --

The Child was born, this is a new baby, never before seen.

to us a Son is given, --

This is the Son who was from the beginning, is now, and will be forever, the Son of the Father, proceeding from the Father as His Son from forever past; now given to us in this new baby.

And He will be called --

These are some Names of God, applied and attributed to His Son.

Wonderful, --

Full of wonder.

Counselor, --

One whose counsel is full of wonder, appropriate, complete, righteous.

Mighty God, --

The omnipotent (all-powerful), sovereign God, who has all authority.

Everlasting Father, --

The progenitor of all who will live forever with Him.

Prince of Peace. --

The Noble, who wields the power and authority to establish true Peace.

Of the increase of His government and peace --

His government will continually grow stronger and more pervasive, bringing true Peace to all who are subject to His rule.

There will be no end. --

His reign will continue forever: It will begin with the 1000 years on this Earth (Revelation 20:2-9), through the Final Battle when the Earth will explode (v.9; II Peter 3:7-12), and will continue on the New Earth which will last forever, through all Eternity Future (chapters 20 & 21). 

He will reign on David's throne --

Born as a direct descendant through the bloodline of King David and his son Nathan (Luke 3:23-37, His mother's bloodline), and inheriting the Birthright to ascend the throne through King David and his son Solomon, through the whole kingly line (Matthew 1:1-16, His legal father Joseph's descent through every king who reigned in David's dynasty).

and over his kingdom, --

David reigned over the ancient kingdom of Israel, all 12 tribes, as did his son Solomon. We know these people today as the Jews, in modern Israel and scattered throughout all the nations of the world.

establishing and upholding it --

He will make it sure and stable (by binding the Enemy, Revelation 20:2, 3, 7), and lift it up in authority and quality over every other government that has ever ruled in this world.

with justice and righteousness --

He will accomplish this by enforcing true justice among the peoples through the rightness that guides His every decision and ruling.

from that time on and forever. --

Beginning with the 1000 years, and continuing forever, see above.

The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this. --

Our Lord Jesus Almighty is a very passionate God. We see His passion through the Old Testament in His pleading with His people to do right, and His discipline of His chosen nation in allowing her to be subjugated to her enemies, and His broken heart over the unfaithfulness of His "wife." We see it in the New Testament in His "Passion" on the cross, loving us so much that He was willing to suffer the agony of the pain and the separation from His Father; we see it in His designating the Church to be the Bride of Christ, indicating that He loves us, is in love with us, as a bridegroom is delighted with his bride, and desires that we respond to Him in joyful submission to Him as His bride on their wedding night, resulting in ecstatic pleasure to both Bridegroom and bride.

The greatest human passionate love is but a shadow of the zeal of our Maker, who made us in his own image and likeness, to be His children, His army, His temple, His witnesses and ambassadors shining His light, His very bride and wife, His partner for all eternity.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!