Friday, February 5, 2016

A Lifestyle Of Adherence To The Law

Ezra 7:10

For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.

Ezra had chosen to live a lifestyle of devotion to the Lord by studying to know what the Law says, and to observe and practice in his life the lifestyle of adherence to the Law of the Lord. And he also had compassion for his fellow Israelites in teaching them how to follow the concepts of the Law so they also would live lives that could be acceptable to God to bless them with His goodness.

When we live our lives in accordance to how God designed this Earth to work by cooperating with the regulations and decrees He has given us, then the result will be that things will go well for us, and we will be blessed by God in this world, as well as inherit eternal life in His Kingdom.

We don't need to be born into a family of priests like Ezra was to be able to study God's Word for ourselves; each one of His children has His Holy Spirit living in us to teach us an accurate understanding of what He has written in the Bible. When we approach Bible study with the attitude of drawing out what is there, rather than trying to find validation of our own ideas, then His Spirit will guide us into His Truth. And the Truth will set us free from the erroneous and deceitful philosophies of the world.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!