Jeremiah 31: 34
No longer will each person teach his neighbors or his relatives by saying, "Know the Lord." All of them, from the least important to the most important, will know Me, declares the Lord.
There will come a time when evangelism will be obsolete, because everyone alive will know that their King is Jesus, the Lord over the whole Earth. They will all know not only Who He is, but will all individually be acquainted personally with Him. He will not be aloof from the people, He will walk among them, getting to know each of them, to meet every ligitimate need they have.
This will be after Jesus returns, after He does away with all the wicked people who have fought against Him at the Battle of Armegeddon (Revelation 16:16; 9:19-21), has Satan bound for that thousand years (Revelation 20:1-3), and has set up His government (throne) in Jerusalem to rule the World (Revelation 20:4-4, 6).
And we who are His Bride and have been Resurrected by being Raptured are helping Him run the Family Business, as His kings and queens governing the Nations under His authority (Revelation 1:6; 5:10; 21:2, 9).
And His government will be in righteousness and perfect justice and fairness. And everyone will be prosperous, in having everything they need all the time (Psalm 67:4-5).
This will be Mankind's Golden Age. Every infraction will be immediately dealt with, so everyone will live in safety and security. We won't need locks on our doors, or protection services like ADT. We won't need to buy insurance, because this Earth will work the way it was designed, with no "acts of God" disasters.
All the people who have entered into this Kingdom in their mortal bodies will be repopulating the world, and living long, healthy, productive lives.
O may that wonderful Day come.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!