
Thursday, September 14, 2017

More Names Of God

Genesis 21: 33 Abraham calls God El Olam, The Eternal God. Our God has no beginning and no end, He never changes, His opinions never change, He is always dependable and will always do what He says He will do. He is faithful to His Word.

Genesis 22: 14 This is where Abraham calls God Yaweh Yireh, The Lord God Who Will Provide. God had told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, but then provided a ram caught in a thicket to take Isaac's place in sacrifice. This is where the saying comes from, On the Mountain of the Lord it will be provided.

God has promised us that He would provide everything we need. He is eternal, so He knows the end from the beginning, and can see what is still ahead of us. So He would not ever say He would do anything that He would not be able to do. 

The saying, "On the Mountain of the Lord it will be provided" is a picture of what Abraham experienced that day. He obeyed the Lord in taking his son to the Mountain, and God provided a substitute sacrifice for the boy, who was then able to live. 

So the Mountain of the Lord would refer to being in obedience to God, to do even what would seem unreasonable; and God will provide what we need, to live and carry out His Plan for us and for the World.

O my Father, I can never go wrong when I know that I am doing what You have told me to do. Even if it seems silly or unreasonable to the World, I can trust You to do right by me, just as You did for Abraham. You have not changed, so I know You are worthy of my trust. 

Father, I ask that whenever the time comes when I need to obey You against common sense, grant me the faith to go ahead with Your Plan, to accomplish what You have determined is mine to achieve in Your Name. And I know that You will receive all the credit, the glory and honor, for what You planned ahead of time to do.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!