
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Fixed Our Hope

I Timothy 4: 10

... We have fixed our hope on the living God, Who is the Savior of all men, especially of believers. 

Our good, good Father has made provision for all men, all mankind, so His offer is to everybody. No one is excluded from the availability of His great Salvation, except those who exclude themselves, by choosing their own ways in opposition to His way.

His gifts of repentance and faith and regeneration are for those who have been chosen before He laid the foundation of this World. Those who have been called, therefore have chosen to humble themselves before Him, receiving His gracious, generous Redemption. 

I John 2:2

And He Himself is the propitiation [full satisfaction] for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole World.

The Blood Jesus shed on the Cross of Calvary was God's own Blood, with endless value, more than enough to pay for all the sins of every person who ever lived. Indeed, Jesus didn't just die for certain sins, He took upon Himself humanity itself, so that He could "become sin," bear the sinful aspect of our human nature.  That is the wellspring from which come all sins, from the slightest thought to the grossest overt evil done. He took the whole basket, which includes everything in it: all the sins everyone has ever sinned. 

Jesus fulfilled the first Sacrifice God wanted the Levites to teach the people, the Personal Sacrifice, in the first Chapter of the book of Leviticus. He died for each of us individually, taking our place in death, to save us and give us His life. 

He also fulfilled the Corporate Sacrifice, for the whole Nation, to purchase the whole World as His own possession, which makes Him our rightful Judge. 

So those who consider themselves one of many He died for are still under judgment. Those who know He took their place in death, individually, are the ones born into God's own Family, and will one Day receive Resurrection bodies like His. 

God is not willing that any should perish, though, and desires for all to come to the repentance of admitting they deserve death for their sins, and let Jesus take their place on the Cross. 

If you don't yet believe that, then I would tell you to ask God for saving faith to believe Him. Then you will receive His Holy Spirit of Truth to teach you to discern between Truth and deception. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!