
Saturday, March 19, 2016


Exodus 16:11-36

The manna God gave the Israelites in the desert was not like anything else found on Earth. It was found on the ground when the dew was gone. It looked like thin flakes of frost (v. 14), it was white like coriander seed and tasted like wafers made with honey (v. 31). The people were to gather about two quarts per person per day (v. 16), and they were not to keep any aside or it would become garbage (vs. 19-20). The exception was that, since they were to rest on the Sabbath, they could gather twice as much the sixth day and it would still be fresh to eat on the seventh day (vs. 23-26). Some people always have to see for themselves, though, instead of trusting what God said, and they found that there wasn't any to gather on the Sabbath (v. 27). 

So it would spoil if kept overnight, except each sixth day it would keep and be fresh each seventh day. This is amazing, the food of the Angels (Psalm 78:25).

God is so good to all of us. He knew that there was no food for all these people in the desert, so He provided, miraculously, enough food for them all, along with instructions. Since this was not Earthly fare, He told them how to find it, gather it, and deal with it. God always provides the information we need to deal with whatever situation we face in life, not just the special times, but all the times.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!