Psalm 79: 9
Help us, O God of our salvation! Help us for the glory of Your Name. Save us and forgive our sins for the honor of Your Name.
Jeremiah 14: 7, 10
The people say, "Our wickedness has caught up with us, Lord, but help us for the sake of Your own reputation. We have turned away from You and sinned against You again and again."
So this is what the Lord says to His people: "You love to wander far from Me and do not restrain yourselves. Therefore, I will no longer accept you as My people. Now I will remember all your wickedness and will punish you for your sins."
In America we share the distinction of being the only other Nation founded on God's rules and principles and ways. As such, we are known among the Nations of the World as a Christian Nation.
But, like our sister Israel, we have turned from God and gone our own way, chasing after the same disgusting and detestable idols that ensnared her.
O Father God Almighty, get a hold of these evil people who have drawn us astray and show them Your Majesty! Show them Your righteous Power and Authority to judge, and draw them to turn back to You! And if they still refuse to acknowledge You, then pour out Your holy vengeance on them in full view of the populace, so they will all see Who You are.
And rescue us whose own hearts have led us astray but are returning to You. Vindicate Your Name, Your reputation, in us, and bring Your righteousness back among Your people before the End of all things.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!