
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Let Them Know They Are But Men

Psalm 9: 19-20

Arise, O Lord, let not man triumph; Let the Nations be judged in Your presence. Strike them with terror, O Lord; let the Nations know they are but men.

King David here writes of other Nations around Israel, but today he could have written of the inner machinations of a bureaucracy; extensive tenticles reaching into every part of the citizens' lives. Some of this government is good, but much of it is just to further the politicians' power at the expense of the people. 

Many of these men and women do not admit that they are mere men and women, but consider themselves as gods who are not subject to the same laws and rules as the rest of the people. They promote policies that they claim to be "for the people," but only serve to line the pockets of those promoting them, as they reduce the freedoms that the Constitution grants the populace. And in the process, they are destroying people, Nations, and economies. They are robbing the people, and the people are the frog in the pot that is being heated gradually--and the water is very near boiling, killing the frog as it sits contentedly. 

Wake us up, O Lord! Open our eyes to see what is going on! Raise up men and women who know You and understand Your ways to take over the reins of government and implant the policies that would be for the genuine good for the people, in rightousness and honest judgment! 

And Your Name will be glorified, honored and praised for Your great wisdom, compassion, and power.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!