James 3: 17-18
But the wisdom from above is first of all
pure. It is also
gentle at all times, and
willing to yield to others. It is full of
mercy and
good deeds. It shows
no favoritism and is always
sincere. And those who are
peacemakers will
plant seeds of peace and
reap a harvest of
Our God is great and majestic. He is our Awesome God of Truth and Justice. He is Father, Lord, Lawgiver and Judge. His compassion and mercy are incomprehensible, and His Love knows no boundaries. His Justice is righteous and perfect and complete.
O my Father, grant me Your wisdom this day, today, that my thoughts and intentions, my actions, my words today would be Your thoughts, actions, words; Your purposes carried out in and through me, according to Your Plan.
And You, Father, will receive all the glory, for it is You Who is doing it all.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!