Monday, February 11, 2013


It has occurred to me lately that the church leaders may be mistaken that the primary purpose of Marriage is procreation. I think having children is a consequence of marriage, but not its central purpose. I think God gave us Marriage to illustrate our relationship to Him.

He designed our male and female bodies to fit together in such a perfect way to become "one flesh" in the marital act. No two men nor two women are anatomically capable of producing this perfect union of bodies as a man and a woman can in the safety of Marriage.

That is why God gives His approval on the marital act within Marriage, and why any other sexual union is an aberrration, a twisting, of what God designed.

God is totally "other" from us, and calls us His wife, and the bride of Christ. Jesus prayed that we would be one with Him as He is one with the Father. He wants that intimate relationship with us.