
Monday, March 4, 2019

You've Heard But I Say

Matthew 5

The Sermon on the Mount

Vs. 27-48

You have heard versus I say to you, concerning: 

Adultery (vs. 27-28): ... Whoever looks at a woman lusting after her has already committed adultery in his heart. 

Divorce (vs. 31-32): ... Whoever divorces his wife except for fornication has caused her to commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

Vows (vs. 33-37): ... Swear not at all; neither by heaven ... nor by the Earth ... neither by Jerusalem ...neither by your head; ... But let your communication be Yes and No, for whatever more is said brings evil.

Going beyond Duty (vs. 38-42): Eye-for-eye and tooth-for-tooth versus turn the other cheek and Sue you for your shirt, give him your coat, too. ... Go the extra mile. 

All these things show that God looks at our attitudes and thought processes, even before they produce the actions. 

Our legislators have tried to play God and make "hate-laws" that are supposed to determine the perpetrator's frame of mind at the time of the crime. But only God knows what we're thinking. Our civil and criminal laws can only judge actions, not necessarily intentions. 

When Jesus is our King, being God, He will know what we're thinking; and He will be able to maintain the peace by apprehending the criminals before the harm is done to the intended victims. Only He has authority to do that. 

The Law of Love (vs. 43-48): You have heard that it has been said, You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you, Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you. 
That you may be the children of your Father in Heaven; for He makes His Sun to shine on both the evil and the good, and sends rain for the just and the unjust. 
For if you only love those who love you back, what reward is in that? Don't even the tax collectors do that? 
And if you're only friendly with your friends, what are you doing more than worldly people? Don't even the tax collectors do the same?
Therefore, be perfect, like your Father in Heaven is perfect.

Okay, this is impossible! To be as perfect as God the Father? What is He saying here? 

So even if we do pray for our enemies, instead of against them, it's for us to do as individuals; we cannot nationally love our enemy nations, it's a personal thing we need to do personally. 

The Government is not there to meet our daily needs, or to love our enemies for us; we are responsible for taking care of our own business of daily living, and to show our enemies the example of doing good to everybody, as God does in shining His Sun for everyone and giving His rain upon their crops and ours. God blesses everybody every day, but most people don't realize it. 

So, as God's children, we are to show respect and honor for even those who disagree with us, and have made themselves our enemies and persecute us; for they also are made in God's image and likeness, even though it's a marred image. They also need God's healing. 

O my Father, please heal and strengthen Your children who will enter into Your Kingdom; to learn to transform our minds to think Your thoughts, Father. When we're thinking Your thoughts, we will not be as vulnerable to the wrong thinking that leads into sin while we're still here in the flesh. 

Teach us how to live out Your Law of Love in our daily lives, in our relationships with the others who people our worlds, both those we get along with and others. Father, we already love others as we love ourselves; that's why people who disrespect others show that they don't respect themselves, either. Help us to love others as You have loved us, with Your perfect, unconditional Love. 

Help us live our lives in such a blameless way that no accusation will stick, no weapon formed against us will succeed. Let us remember that we live in glass houses, the World is watching us. 

Use our lives, our actions, our relationships, and our words to bring to others the knowledge of You, Father, and Your Love and mercy and grace toward us all. Your invitation is extended to all, in that You are not willing that any would perish, but that all would come to repentance in realizing that Jesus died for each one of us, and turn around our attitudes. 

And every knee will bow, every tongue will confess that Jesus is King over all kings and Lord over all lords, and worthy of all praise, honor, worship, adoration, and blessing. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!