I Corinthians 9:27
I beat my body -- I will do my best to keep my physical health at the optimum.
and make it my slave -- not allowing myself to be lazy.
so that after I have preached to others, -- so that after I have taught others about God's goodness and provisions.
I myself -- me, the person I am.
will not be disqualified -- It is possible to be disqualified from any race by not following the rules.
for the prize. -- the reward, the trophy, the ribbon, given to the winner.
Paul was careful to be disciplined in his daily life. Whoever he was ministering to, he would be alert and aware of their sensibilities, so that he would curb his own liberties in order to gain a hearing.
I find that in my own daily life, I tend to pamper my body, aware of what would give me comfort; I like to be comfortable. This is easy to do because I live alone now, and no one else is around. I want to be more disciplined with myself though, I want to be "in training" for whatever God has planned for me to do, so that when He allows me to vagabond this Earth, spreading the seed of His Gospel, I will be fit and able to withstand whatever rigors I may encounter.
Even though God has qualified us for this "race" through Jesus Christ, we could end up forfeiting the prize, if we're not careful. I am looking toward the reward that I will have won through walking the path set before me, following in the footsteps of Jesus, who blazed the trail before me, being His hands and His feet, speaking His words in His Spirit of love and peace. Only in the power of His Spirit in me will I be able to do this, so I ask for His constant leading, and thank Him for His very presence in me and with me all the time.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!