
Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Search For Her

Proverbs 2: 1-5ff

... Wisdom ... understanding ... discernment ... Seek for her as for silver, search for her as for hidden treasures; then you will discern the fear of the Lord, and discover the knowledge of God.

God's whole program for each of us is not about what we can do for Him, but our intimate personal relationship with Him. To seek for wisdom is to seek His face; to search for understanding is to search out Who He is; to cry out for discernment is to cry out for discerning God's character, Who He is!

As we spend time with God reading and studying His Word, communing with Him in prayer and learning to hear His voice in our spirit, we are drawing ever closer to our Father, and letting Him mold and shape us into His own Image.

O my Father, I have taken the first few feeble steps in Your direction, and I know I have many miles to go, for I am still so far from being the woman You created me to be. But I also know that it is You working in me, and that You will one Day finish this work that You started in me. 

Keep me faithful in this journey, my Lord, following in Your own footsteps, not wandering off to the left or to the right, but straight on in that Narrow Way in which You have placed my feet.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!