
Friday, September 22, 2017

Faith For Victory

After being so discouraged, Jacob (Israel) is now elated, and is even going to go himself to see Joseph again (Genesis 45:28). How God uses the reversals in our lives to bring about His purposes is so amazing! We just need to have faith in Him when we can't see what's ahead. 

Jesus chides Peter for his little faith even as Peter just walked on the water (Matthew 14:31).

Psalm 18 is all about having victory over our enemies, with God's strength and power. We need only to pray before giving in to the temptation, for the power to choose the right and have a way out, thereby having victory over our enemies.

And Proverbs 4:11-13 undergirds all this with its admonition to let God's wisdom teach us right ways and straight paths, so we won't be held back or stumble into temptation. God's wisdom is the key to life, both temporal and eternal.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!