I Peter 2: 11-12
Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers
We are citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, so we are not to consider ourselves as "at home" here any more.
to abstain from fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul.
All the stuff we want here in this life. When we make it a priority to accumulate possessions or notoriety in this World, that goes against our quest of spiritual benefits. It's a constant tug-of-war, or all out war we must wage against everything that pulls us away from loving the Lord and following in His ways.
Keep your behavior excellent among the Gentiles,
As Christians we live in glass houses; every detail of our lives is examined by those around us in the World, so we must be careful to not give them any ammunition to shoot us.
so that in the thing in which they slander you as evildoers,
For example, these days whenever we speak the Truth we are accused of being hateful.
they may because of your good deeds, as they observe them,
We must continue to live our lives righteously, doing the good things we do as children of God, and they see these things, even though they don't acknowledge them now.
glorify God in the Day of Visitation.
The Day of Visitation is the Day that Jesus returns to set up His Kingdom here. Then the Truth of our lives will be known to all. And God will receive the credit.
No matter what the World is doing around us, we must remain focused on our Lord and take care to walk in His path every moment of every day.
Because the World is watching. And we gain the victory through the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our own testimony of what Jesus has done for us (Revelation 12:11).
O my Father, please help us remember that others are always watching us, because we are Your children, and our enemy wants to discredit us in any way he can. Keep us mindful, Father, that we are to reflect Your character, in what we do and say.
So let us continually be thinking Your thoughts, Father. Let us see others as You see them, so that we will have Your compassion for them, and Your patience with them. Let us not take their insults personally, but remember how much You love them.
O Father, You don't want even one to perish, but you want everyone to come to You in repentance and faith. Even though most won't. But every person who wants You, You will draw to Yourself and grant them the gift of faith.
Father, send out Your workers to gather Your lost sheep. Let every one of them be found and carried into the safety and comfort of the fold; and there will be One Fold and One Shepherd!
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!