
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Be Happy Thinking Positive Thoughts

Philippians 4: 8-9

Paul is now going to give us "God's Thought List," a nuts-and-bolts list to check off everything we think about. 

(8) Finally, brethren, whatever is true, 

This word is alethes; valid, reliable, honest, trustworthy; not concealing, the opposite of false. This is one of God's attributes which should also characterize His children.

whatever is honorable, 

This is semnos; venerable, honorable, honest, noble, worthy of respect.

whatever is right, 

This word is dikaios; just, right, righteous, equitable (in character), innocent, up to God's standards, holy. 

whatever is pure, 

This is hagnos; clean, innocent, modest, perfect, denoting moral purity, chaste. 

whatever is lovely, 

This word is prosphiles. This is the only place this word appears in the New Testament, and in the LXX (the Greek translation of the Old Testament), in Esther 5: 1 for her "royal apparel."  It means: pleasing, agreeable, amiable, acceptable, lovely. 

whatever is of good repute, 

This is euphemos, which refers to a good reputation; admirable, praiseworthy, attractive, what conforms to the highest standards. 

Now Paul changes the sentence structure to conditional clauses--"if anything is...." This forces the reader to exercise his own discernment to choose.  

if there is any excellence 

Is there any arete; virtue, valor, praise, intrinsic or attributed excellence.

and if anything worthy of praise, 

Is it epainos; (based on laudation) commendable, praiseworthy, a story of praise. Is it a story that will encourage and build up? Or does it tear down someone else? 

dwell on these things. 

When we continually center our minds on these kinds of thoughts, to judge our thoughts using this list and choose to think this way, then we will live our lives as children of God, modeling His character and characteristics, His family traits.

(9) The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, 

Paul is the model that they are to follow. They and we need to "learn and receive" the Christian doctrine and lifestyle that he taught them, and to follow what they "heard and saw" Paul personally demonstrate to them in his words and example.

and the God of peace will be with you. 

Those of us who follow this guidance from the apostle and scriptures have the promise that God will be with us and will give us His peace, right in the middle of whatever hardships, troubles, heartaches, and disappointments we may face in this life. This is something that will convince the world around us that God is real, and that He wants to be good to us all. They will notice it when we're in the middle of the same situation they're in, but not depressed or angry or have anxiety about it at all. 

So, let's all put up this list on our refrigerators and bathroom mirrors to be able to remember to use it in all that we think about. 

O my Father, You are true, You are honorable, You are right and just, You are pure, You are so lovely, Father, You are beautiful in all Your being. You are most excellent and worthy of all praise. 

O Father, teach us to live like Your children, displaying Your family traits to the world around us, growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Help us, Father, to remember to be like You, especially when the world presses in on us, and we are not able to resist, except in Your strength and power. 

Let us remember that with Your Holy Spirit inside us, we have supernatural abilities to make us super-heroes to those around us. We are the ones You have tasked to show the world who You are, and how You are. It's up to us, it's our job while we're here. 

Grant us the confidence in You to be bold and courageous in our witnessing of Your power and grace. Lead us to all of those who are seeking answers to their questions, to show them that You are the only answer to every question! 

Draw all of Your embryonic children to the birth in Your family, my Father, that Your house will be filled full of all Your uncountable kin. And may every place at Your grand Banquet Table be filled, that we will enjoy sweet fellowship with You and with one another forever. 

And every eye shall see, every knee will bow, every tongue will proclaim that Jesus is our Christ, the Lord God Almighty, sovereign King over all Creation; to the everlasting glory of Almighty God the Father, for ever and ever. Amen. 

Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!