Hebrews 12:25-29
See to it that you do not refuse Him who speaks --
We are responsible to pay attention and take to heart into our personal lives what God is saying to us.
If they did not escape --
They were called to account.
when they refused Him who warned them on Earth, --
From Mount Sinai with Moses.
how much less will we, --
We won't escape from accountability, either.
if we turn away from Him who warns us from Heaven? --
God is on His Throne in Heaven.
At that time --
Back in Moses' time.
His voice shook the Earth, --
The Mountain was quaking, an earthquake.
but now He has promised, --
God always does what He said, this is stronger, a promise.
"Once more I will shake not only the Earth but also the Heavens." --
God will "shake;" dislodge, scramble (like dice), destroy, not just the Earth, but also all the "Heavens," the whole Universe!
The words "once more" indicate the removing of what can be shaken--that is, created things--so that what cannot be shaken may remain.
So all Creation, the whole material Universe, will not only be re-arranged, but totally destroyed, completely burned up, and what will remain will be what always was, God and His Kingdom.
Therefore, since we are receiving a Kingdom that cannot be shaken, --
God's own, that can never be damaged or destroyed, that will last, perfect, forever.
Let us be thankful, --
Remember to thank God.
and so worship God acceptably --
This is the worship He wants, that He will accept.
with reverence and awe, --
Recognizing His holiness, power, sovereignty, greatness, etc, etc, etc.
for our "God is a consuming fire." --
God is the Maker of all, owner of all, and can dispense with all whenever He wants.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!