
Sunday, June 11, 2017

Understanding Justice

Proverbs 28: 4-5

Those who forsake the Law praise the wicked,
But those who keep the Law resist them.

Evil men do not understand justice, 
But those who seek the Lord understand it fully.

People who discard the moral principles undergirding the Law of God will approve of those who live twisted, ungodly lifestyles. They will not understand the repulsion of God's people for these disgusting attitudes that degrade those who indulge in them. 

But we who trust in the Lord and endeavor to keep His ways must find in our hearts compassion for those who are so deceived and trapped in these emotional prisons. They are vulnerable to the enemy's lies and enticements, and have fallen into the pit he has dug for them.

So often "Christians" have condemned these people for their ignorance of the Truth, and even have insulted them and railed against them.

Instead, we need to see all of God's created persons as precious, valuable, and worth God sending His own Son to redeem. Sin is sin, and we see different gradations of evils, but the ground is level at the foot of the Cross, counting us all as under sin, and savable, if only we would turn to Him.

Dear Father, there are so many of Your created beings living in this World, who are being deceived by the philosophies and theories of the World, and have no understanding of the ways You designed this World to work. They are harming themselves and others, and are blind to Your ways. They are hurting, Father, because they have pierced themselves, and hurt people will hurt people; but You are gracious and generous with all of us, offering salvation and healing to every one of us. 

Please, Father, grant Your children, who have been born into Your own family, to have Your compassion and gentleness with those who are against themselves as well as us. Help us to respond to their attacks with Your love and kindness. Teach us to respect every member of Mankind, as we are all made by You in Your own image, even though we have marred it. 

Give us Your words to say, in Your attitudes of our minds, to not react, but respond in Your love, in all the interactions with others as we live our lives each day, whether to strangers, to acquaintances, to co-workers, to friends or even our own family members.

Please, have mercy on me, dear Father, and draw my own grown children to Yourself; show them Who You are and teach them Your ways, as You convict their hearts of their need for You and the great Salvation You have provided.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!